Envite recognises the need for streamlined communication within our organisation, especially in delivering key messages from management to our field teams (because they’re hard at work out in the field each day).
The Lismore Senior Leadership Team organised a training day to address action plan deliverables, provided computer access for field staff to complete an organisation survey, conducted team training on the Workways and Envite coaching and intent-based leadership framework, and completed a number of team building activities.
The day began with a practical icebreaker where team members worked together to lower a tent pole without dropping it—a seemingly straightforward task but much harder than it seems (see photos).
The afternoon activities included a speed potting competition, challenging teams to pot native plants efficiently, and a quick draw splatter sharp-shooting competition (which involved spraying targets as fast as possible without hitting Emus – emu signs, that is!). Both activities a promoting teamwork and collaboration.
There were brainstorming sessions and continuous improvement discussions as well as a BBQ lunch, which we find is always the best way to connect with each other. The crew are looking forward to the next session!
Check out the photos to see the fun!