Our team of ecologists and bush regenerators have vast experience in a wide range of ecosystems, and apply best practice methodologies and technical advice to achieve project outcomes.
We have a long history delivering projects for funding bodies and customers including State and Federal Governments, local government, Traditional Owners, not for profit and research bodies, developers, and private landowners. We work collaboratively with our customers and complementary industries to deliver projects that benefit the natural environment and the community.
VIEW PARTNERSEcological Restoration
Ecological restoration is the process of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged or destroyed (Society for Ecological Restoration, 2004). Envite has over 25 years of experience in bush regeneration and has restored a diverse range of ecosystems including rainforest, coastal vegetation, creek bank vegetation, sclerophyll forest, wetlands and grasslands.
Ecological restoration can achieve outcomes including:
- Re-established native vegetation communities
- Improved habitat for flora and fauna
- Conservation of endangered species
- Control of invasive species
- Erosion management and control
- Restoration of agricultural land to increase production and provide biodiversity benefits
- Improved water quality
All of our bush regenerators hold Conservation and Ecosystem Management qualifications (or equivalent) and chemical accreditation (Chemcert, ACDC, ACUP). We are experienced in chemical, biological and manual weed control techniques, and are equipped to undertake large-scale projects using equipment appropriate to requirements including Quikspray units, backpack spraying, splatter gun controls and stem injections.
Our services can be applied across a range of landscapes and ecosystem types including high conservation value vegetation and threatened species habitat on public and private lands.
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Infrastructure Landscaping
Envite Environment has demonstrated capacity to implement large scale infrastructure landscaping associated with highway upgrades, developments and other civil projects.
Our native vegetation landscaping services include site assessment, planning, species selection and sourcing, and on-ground implementation. Envite provides cost effective, timely solutions that meet the expectations and budget of the project stakeholders.
Envite’s in-house nurseries provide a selection of seedlings for a diversity of vegetation types, and our teams bring skills and education in project management, plant identification and selection, and civil landscaping.
We can provide initial landscaping and scoping services as well as ongoing vegetation maintenance to ensure both the aesthetic and functional objectives are met in the long term. Envite has experience in social procurement and working collaboratively with project stakeholders to achieve project aims.
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Biodiversity offsets
Biodiversity offsets occur when landscapes of high ecological value are conserved to offset the impacts caused by development. Biodiversity offsets are often required for large and extensive infrastructure projects such as the building of roads or airports where the clearing of landscapes are unavoidable.
Envite has worked with a range of stakeholders to provide biodiversity offset solutions including works to support Transport for NSW following the redevelopment of sections of the Pacific Hwy and many residential housing developments.
- Site Assessment and reporting
- Sourcing appropriate offset sites
- Implementation of all restoration work
- Executing conservation agreements
- Project reporting
Our ecologists and bush regeneration teams are skilled at plant identification and landscape mapping to deliver appropriate solutions that meet your planning requirements.
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Environmental planning
Envite provides technical planning and advice on ecological projects including site assessments and surveys, mapping, restoration strategies and techniques.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Our technical staff are highly proficient in field-based and remote mapping, data collection and analysis using ArcGIS software.
Flora, Fauna and Habitat Surveys
Envite provides targeted, systematic or opportunistic flora, fauna and habitat surveys across a range of ecosystems. We are experienced in specialist services including endangered plant translocation and monitoring.
Tender and Grant Applications
Envite is able to take a leading role in seeking funding for environmental projects in partnership with other organisations including public and private land managers, community groups, Traditional Owners, and Landcare groups, among others. Our team is skilled in the development of site assessments, project plans and budgets, as well as grant applications, to meet the expectations of funding bodies.
Development Planning
Envite provides planning advice and assessments related to biodiversity impacts of development applications. We can provide advice on planning approval compliance requirements, such as compensatory habitat, restoration and threatened species translocation and monitoring.

Project management
Envite Environment coordinates all aspects of natural area restoration projects. This includes project development and planning, liaison with stakeholders, coordination of on-ground works, monitoring, evaluation and reporting; and administration and budget management.
We are well equipped to provide human and technical resourcing to lead environmental projects in collaboration with other project stakeholders, in particular supporting small, not-for-profit bodies with limited resources.
Our depth of project management skills and experience provides the necessary assurance to stakeholders of our ability to successfully deliver projects on time and on budget.
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Regenerative Agriculture
Regenerative Agriculture is the practice of restoring agricultural landscapes to increase outputs, improve soil and / or water quality and increase biodiversity in a sustainable way that preserves the local ecology.
Farmers are increasingly turning to regenerative agriculture to restore the health of their land and help improve the resilience of their land to withstand the impacts of drought, flood and fire.
Envite’s approach to regenerative agriculture considers the environmental, economic and social outputs sought by landowners in both the short and long term. We provide advice and guidance on techniques to improve productivity and health of the landscape, and where relevant, seek funding to support restoration of the land.
Envite has worked with landowners to develop conservation agreements for wildlife habitat as well as supporting farmers with revegetation works that help to protect their water sources and reduce erosion.
We have experience working across a range of locations and climates from Gippsland in Victoria to Northern Queensland.
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Employment and Training
Envite has long history of successfully delivering employment and training programs centred on natural resource management that help to upskill and prepare participants for the workforce. These programs achieve social, economic and environmental outcomes that directly support local communities.
True to our mission of connecting people to opportunities, our traineeship programs provide paid employment and training to disadvantaged individuals, with the aim to achieve either further education or ongoing employment at the conclusion of the traineeship. These programs are a pathway to assist people into work, while at the same time funding projects that leave a visible and lasting impact on social infrastructure and services in a local community.
Envite also provides customised education and workshops for a range of audiences including schools, community groups and landholders, developing awareness, skills and knowledge in biodiversity conservation.
Workshop and field day topics include native plant and weed identification, bush regeneration including weed control techniques, plant propagation and monitoring and evaluation techniques.
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