Community Conservation of the Emu in the Bungawalbin Stage 2

Restoring emu habitat and increasing participation in emu protection on the NSW North Coast


NSW Environmental Trust

Service Classification/s:


Bungawalbin in Northeast, NSW


The emu population in the NSW North Coast bioregion is endangered with likely less than 50 individuals remaining. Threats include extinctions caused by habitat fragmentation and isolated populations. Degradation of habitat by weeds (blocking movement of emus) and impacts of fires have contributed to recent range contraction and declines in abundance.  Predation by feral dogs, pigs and foxes is a major threat.  Vehicle strike has also been a major source of death on the NSW North Coast.

Recovery actions being addressed include restoring emu habitat through systematic weed control; vertebrate pest control and raising awareness of emu conservation and managing threats to increase participation in emu protection. The project involves a partnership between Envite Environment and Minyumai Indigenous bush regenerators. The two teams work together to restore emu habitat across NSW National Parks Reserves and private properties in the Bungawalbin area.


Envite Environment has been undertaking restoration works aimed at assisting recovery of the coastal emu in the Bungawalbin area since 2014. Bushfires over the summer of 2019-2020 impacted almost the entire project area with resulting further reduction in emu population. The Bungawalbin area was also impacted by record flooding in early 2022.

Bush regeneration works have been implemented in partnership with Minyumai Indigenous bush regenerators. Vertebrate pest control has been managed by Reconeco Ecological Consultancy Services.

Investment by NSW Environmental Trust and the Australian Government has supported implementation of ecological restoration works including weed and vertebrate pest control across more than 7000 ha in the Bungawalbin area. This is assisting recovery of habitat for the coastal emu and a range of other threatened flora and fauna species.

This project has been assisted by the NSW Government through its Environmental Trust.