East coast koalas have recently been listed as Endangered – one step closer to extinction due to the massive decline in populations. Support to restore and protect their habitat will help reverse their decline.
Koalas need our help. The below flyer outlines an exciting new project to leave a lasting legacy for future generations by protecting koala habitat through a private land Conservation Agreement (CA).
We are currently identifying properties that may be eligible for CA’s over a portion of their land. The area under agreement is registered on the title in perpetuity, thus securing these populations into the future.
Our Koala Habitat Restoration Ecologist, Fiona Dawson, would love to hear from you if you would like an initial site visit to discuss the criteria and eligible activities outlined in the flyer below.
In summary this requires a minimum of 20ha of intact native forest in moderate to good condition. Up to $45,000 of habitat restoration funding is delivered through Envite Environment.
Eligible activities include weed control, revegetation, fencing, nest box installation and repairs to existing features such as tracks to maintain the conservation area. This is in addition to discounts on rates and land taxes (subject to local council).
For more information contact:
Fiona Dawson | Envite Environment Koala Habitat Restoration Ecologist
0427 957 277 | fionad@envite.org.au
This project is proudly supported by WWF Australia and the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water and NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust.