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Cool ‘Mosaic’ Burning Workshops Successful in the Clarence Valley region

Envite and its partners have successfully concluded a series of four informative and immersive workshops focused on the ancient art of Cool 'Mosaic' Burning. This traditional technique, employed by the First Nations Peoples in Australia...

Envite Celebrates 30 Years

This month Envite Environment, celebrated a massive 30 years of connecting communities and the environment through the delivery of ecological restoration and biodiversity conservation.  Envite was borne out of the recognition that you could improve...

The importance Earth Day plays for threatened species in Australia

As we celebrate Earth Day 2023, it is important to remember the crucial role we play in protecting our planet's biodiversity. Many of our threatened species in Australia are less well known than that of...

Envite X Corporate Social Responsibility

In today's world, businesses are increasingly expected to actively contribute to society and the environment. We’re going to give a quick overview of the importance of CSR and how Envite can assist your business with...

Latest Skilling Queenslanders for Work Trainees Gain Successful Employment

Our latest Gold Coast Skilling Queenslanders for Work; Work Skills Traineeship team have graduated with all nine trainees being successful in gaining employment straight after completion of the traineeship program. Most trainees have been employed...

Protecting Koala Habitat in the Northern Rivers Through Private Land Conservation Agreements

East coast koalas have recently been listed as Endangered – one step closer to extinction due to the massive decline in populations. Support to restore and protect their habitat will help reverse their decline.